So today I'm doing something different. I don't know if this is my permanent new goal, but I've set out to eat every snack / drink at my local 7-11. Taiwan, like China, has no shortage of just... odd stuff. So here's a bunch of thing's I've eaten, and my thoughts on them.
Apologies if the formatting looks weird on your phone/PC. I suppose captions on picture's aren't usually so large, so Blogger is flipping the hell out. Anyway, hope you enjoy a brief tour around a Taiwanese convenience store.
7-11 Maple Pies - Pastry-like snacks with a bit of maple flavoring. They're incredibly flaky, but fortunately easy to eat in 1 bite. |
CATCH Chocolate Bar - A really good, rice crispy chocolate bar with caramel inside. Kind of like a 100 Grand, but more crunchy! |
YoGoFresh - A white and clearish, milky drink combined with something like Gatorade. It wasn't too bad, but I didn't end up finishing it. |
7-11's Chocolate Cake - Along with an impromptu candle for my birthday! Pretty standard chocolate cake with spirals of chocolate goo inside. The chocolate was a little "chalky", but overall pretty good. |
Hey Song Black Pine - I don't really know why this is named "Black Pine", but it's basically sparkling white grape juice. Nothing exceptional about it, but a little too sugary. |
Crunky Bar - I love the name of this! Crunchy wafer and caramel inside, surrounded by chocolate and... corn flakes? Pretty good overall. |
Choffers - I think you can imagine how this would taste. It's pretty heavy on the wafer with only a touch of chocolate. Really crumbly, and it tasted so-so. |
Ocean Spray Cranberry Tomato Juice - I don't know how thought to put these two things together, but they should be shot. It's new, hence the promo sticker on it. I took a sip and promptly threw the rest away - disgusting! Also shout out to the new Subway that just opened up nearby. |
Entertaining Mini's - Tiny, sticky, swirly crackers with apparently BBQ flavor on them. I couldn't really agree with it being BBQ, but they were surprisingly sticky. Small bag, but they're small and it was pretty jam packed. |
Jagabee French Fries - For $50, these are a bit of a ripoff. You get about as many as in a McDonalds small fry for nearly twice the price. No microwaving necessary, they're just crispy potato sticks. Not bad, but overall not worth it. |
Always Bar - Chocolate and wafer mix with what I think is almonds on the outside. Pretty good, it tasted more like an energy bar than a candy bar though. |
Suntory Premium Malt Pilsner - Recently my local 7 has been getting a lot more beer in, and this was the first I tried. As to be expected from a macrobrew, it's not terrible but doesn't really do anything great. For being a pilsner, it didn't really have a hoppy flavor, and overall was just far too light for my tastes. |
I've had the Crunky bar before in Japan. Not bad!