It's been pretty busy over here. As I mentioned last time, summer courses started, which means I'm working 6 days a week. When I have any free time, I pretty much want to do nothing except lay around or drink. Consequently both of those have been happening a lot lately, but that's not to say I haven't been doing anything.
I forgot to post a video I took last time, when we went to Shanghai. I don't really know what else to say except this was an advert in the back of a taxi cab for my school. It also is pretty much a clear rip off of Super Mario Brothers, so I thought that was cool. Sorry for the shaky cam, the taxi was not cooperating. Also listen for the YOLO shout out.
It was also the dragon boat festival a few weeks ago. I don't really know what the dragon boat festival entails. Apparently there are dragons. And boats. And maybe dragons that look like boats, or boats that look like dragons. I don't really know. But what I do know is that the local lake around here decided to pull a pretty swanky stunt where they shoot a ton of water in the air, and then project flowers onto it. "That sounds cool Weg, do you have a picture?". NOPE. I have a video.

"Hey where are you?"
"Oh I'm in Hangzhou for the day. I'll see you tomorrow."
"I know you're in Hangzhou, where do you want to meet up?"
"Wai... What? How do you know where I am? Get out of my head!"

I also tried to go to this discount clothing warehouse. Key word "tried". I asked a bunch of cabs to go there, and every one refused. I figured "Okay, my Chinese sucks. Maybe they think I'm asking them to go to Beijing or something". So I brought it up on my phone and showed them the symbols. I finally got one guy on a tuk tuk (those rikshaw like things) who agreed to take me. I asked how much. He said 100 RMB and it would take an hour and a half. Apparently this place is REALLY damn far out. Honestly it didn't look so bad on the map, next time I'll bike there.
Someone else mentioned how they don't see enough photos of what I do. I mean, it doesn't come up much in class that I can say "Let me get a picture of everyone to show to my friends in America". Anyway we had an activity recently where we needed to get photos of everyone being happy...
And this one. Well, this is just everyone trying to jump at the same time.
Also with my really young ones, we're learning about food. We usually have a song at the beginning and end of class. I like to mix it up though, since they've heard the "default" one a billion times. For food, I could think of no better closing song to class than this: