To be honest my free time has been piled high with personal errands. I've been on a sort of "Let's make sure I'm good medically" kind of spree lately, doing a series of checkups and vaccinations. Because hey, it's really cheap over here. (and sometimes free!) Not to mention visa issues, which have always been a giant pain in the ass for Thailand.
But probably the biggest occupier of my time lately is my school. Not my work school, but school school. I decided to go back to get my Masters degree, and managed to find a university in America that has a degree specifically in ESL. I had to do a lot of searching to find a university that I could afford, was able to fit my unique requirements, and a program that would benefit me. Then after all that, tracking down a paperwork trail that began 15 years ago, tax forms for grants/scholarships, you name it. Anyway that fun starts next week and should be a major part of my life for the next 1 to 1.5 years, which I'm not exactly looking forward to. But, I think a MA in ESL would look pretty good on a CV, and probably open up a lot of opportunities in Europe and other ESL markets generally off-limits to the "Do it for a year" backpacker crowd.
Speaking of jobs, I haven't spoken about my new one yet. It's an unusual sort of thing, a blend of webmaster and English teacher. Basically I have 250 or so students that maintain blogs, I give them subjects to write about, and then grade them on it. While this does mean I have to read 250 blogs a week, it's an interesting conduit into an average Thai teenager's mind. Or at least a female one, since it's an all girls school. While I really appreciated most of my students at my last job, this one really takes it up a notch. They're all extremely well behaved, and the average level of English is much higher. I've learned their opinion on government, women's rights, and GMO foods, which is something I don't even know Ella's opinions on. Plus the management is much improved, communicative, and a pleasure to work with, which is always a good thing.
Maybe more interesting is that on the 5th floor of a mall in the Japanese district, Bangkok has winter. Supposedly it's meant to be a village from Hokkaido, they spread around fake snow to make a play area surrounded by cafes. It's not too large, and the snow has a snowcone sort of consistency, but it's still an amusing sort of thing that's pretty unique. Other than that we've just been being social. It seems in this past month or so, my circle of friends has really expanded in size. Saturday has been "the night" to go out and do stuff, and pretty much every Saturday has involved some sort of drinking nonsense. It's really refreshing to have a close group of friends, and I am starting to really cherish those Saturdays. In particular this most recent Saturday, was a language exchange meetup that I thoroughly enjoyed. Everyone there was super friendly and awesome, at a really cool bar, and just a pleasure to talk to.