I know, I know! I really have no excuse except, I have not really had too much to write about recently. That isn't to say there have been no interesting developments in my life, just not much to say. So let's get the big stuff out of the way:
- My contract ended at my old job. Since Ella and I plan on leaving Thailand at the end of May, I did not renew.
- Thus, I have had very little to do.
- To occupy myself, I picked up some part time work. Oddly I am working harder at part time then I did full time.
- Of course, I've also been busy getting things ready for jobs and the move. I can now really understand why people choose to come to the US illegally. Applying for a visa is a giant pain.
- I've been throwing myself into my "professional" blog pretty heavily. Just to plug it again, No BS ESL (If you're into English teaching). I'm really proud of it regardless.
- I met Hodor (Kristian Nairn) from Game of Thrones. He was in Bangkok to promote his new album. This is most irrelevant to my life, I just though it was cool.
Right then, enough boring life stuff. In Bangkok things are "same same but different". We had a tragic end to my favorite place in the city, Cheap Charlies. No doubt almost every foreigner who passed through Bangkok has found themselves at the iconic dive bar at some point or another. But unfortunately, Bangkok just needed another fancy hotel. Thus, the whole block is coming down. They had a farewell party that was completely packed, and I for one am sad to see it go. We stayed until midnight (closing time) for the final, final call. Darn shame.
So, we did the only possible solution - we went on vacation. To the seaside town of Hua Hin. I passed through there a looong time ago, during my first few months in Thailand. Ella and I have also been there before with Sandra, and we did quite a bit of exploration. Much like our previous Koh Samet getaway, our goal this time was to do virtually nothing. Unfortunately, we arrived in the heart of the Songkran nonsense. I did not anticipate this, but fortunately the people of Hua Hin were kind enough to not get our bags completely soaked. After getting to our hotel, I walked out in a T-shirt and flip flops, sans phone, and got completely destroyed. Oh Thailand.
The first day we went to Venezia, a weird sort of park that models itself after Venice. Apparently Hua Hin has a thing for making parks out of famous tourist destinations, like the Santorini Park we went to last time. Venezia is sort of like an outdoor shopping mall with some kiddie rides, art pieces, a mini zoo, and other odd gift shops. I don't really understand why this place exists, but here it is anyway. It had one of those 3D art installations, not unlike the one in Phuket and Pattaya. If you've never been they're pretty cool, and make for some fun Facebook photos. Other than that, it was a lot of fake Italian stuff. Thailand, I get you but at the same time don't get you.
After the Venezia, we took a nap, then went to the night market for beer, food, and shopping. The following day, we went to the beach to swim, got a foot massage, and drank more beer. Rough life, right? Our routine of drinking - massage - beach - sleep was interrupted by a surprise visit from Dmytro and Art. I guess coming to the conclusion that everyone has left Bangkok for the holiday, in a drunken state they decided to pop down to Hua Hin. In particular that night we went a little nuts, and wound up ordering pizza on the beach at 2am. Because you know, life is hard over here. Other than that, the next day was more of the same. Ella and I found a coffee shop to chill out in, then we took a nap until Hua Hin native Aeh joined us for more eating, drinking, and carrying on. The next morning we hopped on a bus back to Bangkok, which gets you all caught up on my life.