Monday, March 25, 2013

I do apologize, once again. You won't find this entry on Facebook. I hope you won't even seen it. This is a message in a bottle to my future self.

Future Weg. Your grandmother just died. You have only one grandparent left.

And it sucks. Remember the E-mail dad sent you? "Call me as soon as you get this.", more or less. That sentence has never preceded anything good, ever. Grandma was in the hospital, but there had been positive news and signs of recovery. Apparently not. But of course, you knew what had happened before you called. Anytime someone that old is in the hospital, statistically they don't leave.

I remember back in my psychology classes, learning about a disease called Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (alright alright, you Googled how to spell it), or "Broken Heart Syndrome". Basically, the longer that a couple has been together, the shorter one spouse lives after the other dies. You guessed grandma would survive a year. You guessed wrong - it was about 2 months. Then again both were in their late 90s, so the stats were not on their side.

And here you are, on the other side of the world and you can't do a thing. Of course, what could you do if you were there? Right now you're thinking "This job isn't as good as the last one, you could easily just say to hell with it and come home". And right now if you were asked to do that, you'd do it. You're not sure what to do, just like the last time. And the time before that.

Three grandparents dying in less than a year, when you're not even around. This is a terrible thing to get used to.

1 comment:

  1. stay strong Weg. i believe that you're doing the right thing by staying out there. you belong out there in the world experiencing everything you can. if you came home, it'd assuage your guilt for a while, but you'd become bored or worse again. i know it sucks brother but you truly belong out there on your adventures. we'll come to see you as soon as we can.
