So my phone has been a little dodgy lately. I had been running a custom rom with the latest JB on my Crespo, but kept getting FCs and random reboots. I decided I've had it, and went back to Cyanogen 10. Well, that was no good either, I randomly lost root a day later and got stuck in a bootloop. Restoring from a nandroid did nothing, and neither did flashing - I don't know why, but I had also lost write privileges. Fortunately I could still get to fastboot, so I pushed TWM to replace clockworkmod. That didn't help either. Tried sideloading another custom ROM, froze on the Google lock screen for about 15 minutes. Did a battery pull, it won't even start up now. It had a shred of life when connected via USB, in that Windows recognizes it as "Unrecognized Device". Tried pushing every driver I could think of, it rejects all of them. After trying that for a while, it doesn't even have a pulse anymore. TLDR, my venerable Crespo is dead. After probably 20 different roms, countless tinkering, and god knows what, I have moved on.
I jumped on the popular kids bandwagon and got a i9300 now. I really hope HTC doesn't go by the wayside anytime soon, and the One is an outstanding phone - just one that is out of my price range. At least having the most popular smartphone in the world will make it easy to dig up hacks for it. I quite like the rom I have now, Ultimarom 12.0. A few minor bugs, but rock solid in terms of stability. I lived with Touchwiz for all of 30 minutes before I wanted to shoot it in the face. I think Blogger has had an aneurysm from all the red squiggly lines under those words, so moving on.

It has been quite the movie filled few days for me. On Sunday I saw Jason Statham's new movie, Parker with a new friend of mine I met on the Taiwanese version of Craigslist. I had a great time, although the movie was "meh". It's Jason Statham, you know what you get. And then last night, I saw Iron Man 3. Which, I don't know why Taiwan gets it a week and some change earlier than everyone else. Not to spoil anything, but it really is my favorite Iron Man yet. The antagonist was kind of strange, but this one more than the others shows just how fragile Tony is. He's not a god, just a regular dude who manages to make really good suits - and once you take away the suit, he's pretty vulnerable. I also saw at the theater adverts for Gatsby, Monsters University, Hangover 3, and Star Trek. So, it'll be a movie filled next few months.
In a more sad note, I remember last year in China how randomly my favorite baozi place just disappeared one day and never re-opened. The same has happened this time. I dropped by as I do almost every morning, and there was cop in front of me. No worries, they've gotta eat too. Except he quickly got angry and started yelling at the old couple working there. He went behind the counter, started tossing about a clipboard and in general just being a dick. I was about to leave when he turned to me and said "What do you want?" I was like "uhh... 3 baozi?" He said "Well hurry and order then!" So I did, and the couple looked quite terrified the entire time. I thanked them and left. Next day, gone. It's been a week now. I'm guessing they didn't have some sort of permit or somesuch, but it certainly does make my breakfast more expensive. Seriously, those guys were awesome.
You'll notice there are no actual photos this time. I had about 5 that weren't uploaded yet before my phone died, but no biggie. I finally have visited every subway station in Taipei, so achievement unlocked. I bet 99% of the locals haven't even done that. My quest to complete the Everest Challenge is still underway, so any large stretches of free time will be with that. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it.