Saturday, April 20, 2013

He's kind of like Justin Beiber, except talented and not a douche.

That's right, I met the Taiwanese heartthrob Aaron Yan! Who is he? Actually I don't have a godamn clue. But I do know he's kind of a big deal (seriously, he has his own Wikipedia article!), based on the number of fans who stood outside to get his autograph on a piece of paper. Truthfully, I wouldn't have even bothered, but my friend Sabrina in Ningbo just said to me a few days earlier how she is obsessed with him. Always out to blow minds, I stood in line for about an hour or so just so I could send a picture and rub it in her face. Honestly he was very nice, I think I took him a bit off guard by not being his target audience.

I did send her a poster and CD he signed, so don't freak out. I'm not actually that mean. But, a bunch of other things happened as well. For example:

* I got on the Taipei News
* My picture was taken with some sort of naked Indian man.
* I went to a Taiwanese KTV
* Had a Reddit meetup
* Caught some shrimp
* Climbed more mountains

So yeah, Taipei news. It was pretty brief, I'll link it at the end of the post. The funny thing was is I had a response in Chinese, then they stripped all of it out and just used "當然" (Of course). Well, frak them. I didn't even know they aired it, but my high school classmate Nate posted it on my Facebook. The naked Indian man, well... that speaks for itself. The Taiwanese KTV is pretty much the same as a Chinese one, with walls so thick it sounds like a library, and an absence of drunk Chinese dudes throwing up in the hallway. Overall... less fun. The Reddit meetup was awesome, met a lot of nice people and said goodbye to my friend Ting. Also, Redditors in Asia are 37% more awesome. Seriously, do the math yourself. The shrimp was at Shilin Night Market, it's a game of skill where you have to get one without breaking your line. Surprisingly difficult. But afterwards they will cook it for you, so I proudly ate my prize. I will accept all names for him in the comments below.

I think we need a paragraph here, don't you think? Lately I've been meeting up with locals, usually for coffee just to expand my base of friends. So far it's gone pretty well. I've met three amazing people, and I hope we all remain in touch. I met one of them for coffee today in Banqiao, which is sort of near the end of the blue line. You know what that means! Oh... actually you probably don't, but that means I went to the end of the blue line and climbed 3 godamn mountains. That only leaves 1 station left in the entire MRT system I have not been to. The mountains were all around Yongning, however Google Maps is just plain wrong on the names. And Bing. And Mapquest. So consulting all 3, the ones I remember are 天下山, 南天每山, and 青原山. I'm not even 100% sure if that's right. But I'm just writing them here for my own sake. Not that 99% of you can even read that. I could have written "You're a big poopy head" and you'd never know. Maybe I did?

So here's me on the news @ 0:42.

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