Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's the 7-11 snack roundup round 2! This time, 33.33 (repeating, of course) percent more strange.

Recently we've gotten more kinds of beer. This Swedish one is no slouch at 7.5% ABV, but it was too watery.

These were basically cheetohs with some sort of... flavoring.  A bit spicy with little to no BBQ flavor to speak of.

I buy these a lot, the 7-11 brand teas. They're super cheap and not bad, although this Japanese one was a little bitter.

7-11 does everything, including microwave dumplings. These are pork, and actually not half bad.

WHAT IS GOING ON with this packaging? Fish flavored crackers shaped like a fish, they tasted more like rotten fish.

7 also has bread. This, per the name, is melon bread. I'll be damned if it doesn't taste like bread with a hint of melon flavor.

Haha, I love the name of these! Crunchy potato chip like things with salt. A bit plain but otherwise good.

These are actually Japanese as well, they're crackers with gooey chocolate inside. Tasty but expensive!

Kirin, the Japanese beer manufacturer, apparently decided to make some cola. Tastes as you'd expect, but Coke Zero is much cheaper and slightly better.

I don't know why there is a koala here, but these are just shortbread cookies. Pretty solid.

Mixed fruits and veg drink - you'd think something containing celery and spinach would taste horrible, but it actually holds up. I'll be buying more of these.

Rose Tea - unexpectedly good, with just a hint of sweetness. I'm a big fan.

These are 7-11 brand, and come in a big bag for the same price as a competitors small bag. Not so good, a little bland. Pairing with a Cabernet Sauvignon is optional, but like most things, it's a great idea.

Instant noodles, Taiwanese style. Cheap, salty, bland, I prefer the cheapo Maruchan ramen.

Essentially cheese puffs but with strawberry flavor instead of cheese. Pretty flavorful actually, I dug these.

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