It was a sudden decision. I got an apartment, then was looking what to do for the next few weeks until work. I was planning to go to south for a Full Moon Party. Unfortunately this time it also falls on the day after a Jungle Party, and Songkran. I'm sure this weekend on Koh Phangan will be insane. That is, if you have a way to get there, as everything is already booked or are at a crazy price from scalpers.
So leaving the hostel, I ran into Tony. He's been at the hostel before, and was going to Chiang Mai today. Also in a crazy stroke of luck there are tickets available. Alrighty then. Off I go on a 14 hour train ride for a few weeks after learning about it moments before - my life is silly. Actually the train was pretty nice. You leave in the evening, and by the time you get bored it's time to sleep. Wake up and boom, on the other side of the country.
It was a short stay though, as we met a guy on the train, Serge. Serge was headed to Pai, a town about 3 further hours north near Myanmar. Sounded good to us. So off we went on another trip, winding through the mountains. I was quite ill by the end, and thankful to get out of that stupid van.
Pai is weird. Its like Woodstock never ended and everyone moved to northern Thailand. The population is 90% bearded, rastafarian foreigner hippies. It is cheap to live here though. All you can eat buffets for $3, hotels for $2. It's ridiculous. Anyway Tony wanted to rest after his trip, and Serge and I wanted to see this big buddha statue we saw on the mountain.
So we hike to the top, and there's this overlook with chairs. We sit down next to this girl, and she looks very familiar. Turns out I met her in Manila 2 months ago. Crazy how that works! Of all the places in the world, we meet again on mountain overlooking a hippy commune in Northern Thailand.
So the next day, I said goodbye to my travel companions to go to Lod Cave. I met up with my partners for the day, a group of 8 girls from the US on vacation. They were very "cliquish" and I pretty much was forced to keep to myself. I got some amusement though, because before we got to the cave one of the girs said "Guys, do you think there are bats there? God, I HATE bats." I'm thinking "It's a cave, I'm pretty sure there will be bats."

On the way back we stopped at Mor Peang waterfall. Pretty, but kind of a pain to get to. There were a lot of people swimming, but meh, not really my jam.
As soon as we got pack to Pai I rented a scooter for the next part of my trip - to Pai Canyon. This is more my thing. Pai Canyon is a very pretty place full of sheer rock faces, nice views, and this godamn super fine yellow sand that gets everywhere. But I hiked for a while, having to scale places more suited to a rope and harness rather than just my hands and feet. The end result was some amazing views, and after the sunset I went back to Pai for a few beers. It was an early night though, because the next day was...

Whew! Back to Chiang Mai, and a touch of civilization - there are malls here! I need to see what I can do at this crazy city.
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