My days in general have been spent either working on my schoolwork, working on my work work, or some other sort of random task that rears its ugly head. I took on a project for Ella's friend to correct her thesis, which has surprisingly been an agonizingly long process. Ella's university claims their thesises (thesii?) need to adhere to APA style. I think their administrators were absent the day when they learned what APA style was. It's a weird blend of APA, MLA, and their own random nonsense thrown in. This makes it very frustrating, as every time it is submitted it comes back with some sort of error. And since they're not following APA, there's no way to really know before hand. Just kind of, keep submitting it and see what happens? Anyway, I'm pretty sure that project is done now.
We've had a few new visitors show up. Ella had a pal from China who left just as quickly as he appeared, but he did buy us Japanese curry. Which, if there's a faster way to get someone to like you, I don't know what it is. Zolta (I'm probably not spelling that right) was an odd sort of fellow, but affable enough. He worked at a bank, and loved getting pictures of banks and Thailand's multicolored ATMs. I mean hey, we all need a hobby right? I think the picture sums up his personality pretty well.
My school had a festival, which was for some random holiday I had never heard of. I was speaking to someone back home about it, and realizing I didn't know the purpose of it, googled it. The first result was my school's webpage talking about it. Right so, made up festival. Thais are good at coming up with an excuse to knock off for the day, so it seems this is as good as any. And this was no small festival. They had a haunted house that was downright terrifying. Random bloody doll parts strewn about, a student covered in red paint striking a meat cleaver on a block of wood, hands randomly jutting out of the wall and grabbing you... they really like scary stuff! Keep in mind that my school is also a grade school, so there were plenty of little kids who ran out crying. Yeah, that'll teach you kids! I'm sure there were some life scars made.
Oh and there's this cat that is at the train station every morning. I started taking a picture of her every day, so I've amassed quite an album. Ella and I have named her Bing Bong after the Inside Out character (which, is that not the best movie ever?!) Bing Bong is actually pretty apathetic to everything, as cats are. And I guess you especially have to be when a million people walk over you ever day. But someone is feeding her, and so she hangs around. So if you ever visit and happen to transfer at Makkasan - Petchaburi, give Bing Bong a hello. She will likely ignore you.
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