My opinion of Qingdao has soured
slightly. That doesn't mean I hate it, I just am no longer struck
with the lovers crush I had yesterday. The thing that makes Qingdao
so great is that it's really small. I left myself 5 different things
to check out, figuring "Okay, that's a good number to
occupy my day."
I was done by lunch.
I have yet to take a cab in Qingdao except from the train station. And honestly if I didn't have my bag that day I would have walked. Part of it is that my hostel is really conveniently located. Part of it is that this city is a heck of a lot smaller than I thought it was. And finally the last things on my list were much shorter than I thought. They were, the old Governor's Mansion (cool if you want to see what a mansion would look like if your grandmother decorated it), the German Prison (a bit small, not that exciting), The Temple of Heaven (you've seen one temple in China, you've seen them all), the Zhan Pier (more on that later), and this crazy red ball thing I saw on a hill. All of them were extremely small, two room type things. It was 10 RMB to go inside the red ball dealie, and I could literally see the inside through a window. It consisted of people looking outside at me. I figured I could pass on this.
The golden retriever, later I find named "Maodu", saw the water bottle flying overboard and must have thought "OH MY GOD, IS IT TIME TO PLAY?!" He darted off with a bark, and promptly jumped straight into the ocean. Everyone gathered around to see the spectacle, and he promptly returned the bottle to the lady. She was a bit embarassed that Al Gore in dog form returned her rubbish, but then threw it away properly. Maodu shook the water off in that way dogs do, and got a child standing too close wet. Doggie fist(paw)bump.
Must get water bottle! |
Water bottle water bottle water bottle water bottle! |
Must... return... bottttttle! |
HERE YOU GO! Throw it again please? |
Tomorrow I'm off to Beijing, and will
be out of communication for the next few days. See you soon.
Go dog, go!