Wednesday, November 21, 2012


So I finished my contract and decided to travel around Asia for a bit. Because my VPN is expired, that means that I actually can't upload these on any kind of a consistent basis. Or at the very least, photos. I guess I could have renewed it for another month, but I'd only use it for a week and a half.

TL,DR: I'm a cheapass.

Anyway, whenever this gets uploaded, at time of writing I just made it to Qingdao. Better known as Tsingtao, this is where that shitty Chinese beer comes from. The thing about Qindao though, is that up until the early 1900s is that this was a German city. And honestly it looks German. The streets are narrow and winding, the buildings have a latticework of wood on the exterior, and there are bars on every corner. On the train I sat next to a guy who was watching The Three Kingdoms (San Guo). You may know this story from video game adaptations like "Dyanasty Warriors" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Or you may not know it all. Basically it's in ancient China and a bunch of warlords don't like each other. It's a pretty solid book/show, I'd recommend it.

My hostel as mentioned earlier is an old observatory. While I'm currently only seeing it at night it is pretty awesome. There is a lounge with a telescope (the dome is closed right now, it's a bit chilly), and right next to the telescope is a bar. You can get Qingdao draft there at an extremely cheap 10 kuai per. That may be because the brewery is just down the road. Also did I mention I get two free beers a day included in the cost of the room? Because I do.

Nice place, this is.

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