"Wait, what day did I need to get the next vaccine... SHIT."
So, back down the hill, to the hospital. It was more expensive here than Surat Thani, but not extreme. I got the bus to Patong, and met Juan. He's from Spain, and we would meet again later on the train back to Bangkok, as luck would have it. Anyway, Patong. Patong is not family friendly, which I'm like "Why are there families here?" I just can't imagine saying "Cmon son, your mother and I are going to the gogo bars in Asia." But Patong is super exciting. So much energy, so many restaurants, bars, clubs, its overflowing with electricity... and the only time I saw a McDonalds next door to strip club. I bounced around to a few bars, and one of the bar girls challenged me to Jenga. I lost, and she said that means I owe her a drink. Fair enough. We played again and I won, so I said the next one was on her. Nope, not so much. Double standard, I say! Anyway I turned in early, as I had a 730 bus. I was staying in a capsule hotel, which, can we make these the norm over hostels? It's all the benefits of super condensed, shared living (social aspect, cheap price) with your own "room". Love it.
Anyway Patong actually has a lot of what Ko Phi Phi has in terms of water activities, albeit more crowded. Still, I like it there. Wouldn't mind spending more time in the future. But for now, it's onto Kaoh Sok!
And Kaoh Sok lives up to its reputation. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

Yes please?
More like her neck, but still. It was actually difficult, as with each step the shoulder blades tried to push you off. He said I could hold onto the ears. But when I did she flapped her ears like "Dude. Stop touching my ear, yo." Anyway I managed to not fall. I didn't want the framed photo they took of us, even if the frame was made from elephant poo. (Yup). I did want a digital copy, and they had no way to give it to me. Ah well, a framed photo it is. Who has those anymore?!
Back home, I met my neighbors - 2 girls from the UK. They were going on a "night safari". I decided to join. Our tour guide was a jolly dude named Beer. Yup. Beer. They asked why, and he said "Because my parents like beer."
I love this stupid country.
Anyway, a lot of spiders and lizards on the night trek. Beer gave me a local smoke, which was just plain tobacco in a palm leaf. I had trouble keeping it lit, but meh. Was okay. Tried it anyway.
Back on the trail, it was getting dull so I picked up a rock and threw it. The sound caused everyone to stop, and Beer looked intently in the direction. I had a chuckle, and not 5 seconds later another crash and rustling came from the same direction. "Haha, that wasn't me!" I thought. Never found anything though.
Back at the bungalow I slept like a baby. The owner set me up on a tour tomorrow, and absolutely amazing life experience. But more on that next time.
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