I'm writing this a few hours before my flight back to the US. In case you were unaware, my best bud Dan decided to go and get himself married. I am fortunate enough to be a groomsman, so APPARENTLY you can't just Skype that one in. Gee, thanks Dan.
For serious though, I am looking forward to it. And tacos. Also another bit of good news, I am finished with school. All of my work has been submitted, and now it's just a matter of time until the final grades are tallied and I am done. Presuming I did not completely mess things up, I will have a Master's in ESL in a month or so. So, that's kind of neat. And a giant source of frustration eliminated. I am looking forward to the massive increase in my free time, although I am probably going to fill it with Chinese study.
As far as Bangkok nonsense, what's been going on? Well, looking back through my pictures apparently animal cafes. Ella found a great blog full of stuff to do in Bangkok (shout out to Beyond Khao San Road) and we've been going through the more interesting things featured on there. The first was a visit to a Dog Cafe. It was absolutely pouring rain by the time we got there, and we had to just walk in water about shin deep. Oh, Bangkok. But the cafe was really nice, full of some giant dogs that were super excited to see you... for about 60 seconds. Then they were quite happy to just lie there and let you take selfies. These were massive dogs too. However, not as massive as that one dog I found in Keelung back in Taiwan. That thing was a monster. Anyway, I am not a dog person, but I suppose they were pretty cute. The coffee was a bit expensive, but I am sure those big dogs eat like mad.
Anywho, this concludes our Bangkok update. I'll leave you with a teaser that I began a new project, and I hope to talk about it more in a month or so. It's something I'm kind of passionate about, and I hope it works out as well as I hope. Anyway, see all you lovely peeps in the USA.
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