February 23, 2012

Usually when I go to write these blog posts, I look back at the pictures I've taken since my last one. Well this time it was quite a surprise.

You see, we went to KTV a few nights ago. KTV is karaoke, except like karaoke in Japan or Korea, you get your own private room with couches and a console to pick songs. Usually I get drunk and friendly, and meet people in the hallway on the way to the restroom. This usually results in me being drug back into groups room, drinking some of their liquor, and heading off to find some other party to crash. It's really a great system. They want to see some drunk foreigner, I get to drink for free. Except this time, we had plenty to drink, so I stayed put for the whole time.

Or so I thought.

Who is this person, and why am I in a suit?
Who are these people, and who is holding my phone?
No it turns out that at some point during the evening I went on a drunk walk and don't even remember it. The pictures don't lie, despite their blurriness.

Oh right, I got a haircut. This is actually my second haircut. The first one was apparently terrible because I just got laughed at. Hell if I know, I just sat down and let the guy do his thing. Photo evidence does exist, so here ya go, for the folks at work that didn't get to see it during its 14 hour lifespan:



  1. Umm more like that haircut is fantastic! Did they put a bowl on your head and just cut around it or we're they able to achieve that roundness all on their own? I seriously LoLed. Miss ya!

  2. Congratulations, Comrade, on getting your hair cut in the Socialist style!

  3. OMFG!!! YES!! you should have kept the haircut!!! omg that is too freakin hilarious!!! can't. stop. laughing!!! <3
