Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I didn't like the last blog entry. It was boring and I don't want to talk about it. So this time, I have more interesting stuff.

First and foremost I had a pretty cool discussion with a Chinese friend about the cultural differences between America and China. Mostly how the Chinese really respect people with a lot of money and influence, and we vilify them as the 1% bastards. So much so that it really reflects how they deal with things, and made me reconsider my opinion on the western world. That's a whole conversation in and of itself, and I'll need to save it for another time.

I really wish I had my camera, because I needed it today. David and I took a trip out to the lake here in Xiaoshan. It's advertising slogan should be "All the beauty of West Lake without the crowd", because that's exactly what it is. It really is a snapshot of what I imagine rural China to be like, all the while being in my backyard. You can even rent paddle boats and explore. The paths along the lake are all done up in a really nice stonework pattern, complete with hidden speakers softly playing traditional Chinese music. Not to mention, they had a swanky looking restaurant and tea house right there. It will definitely be a place I will check out again, and will probably take anyone who visits to.

As beautiful as the lake in Xiaoshan is, I found something a bit more exciting today. There is a store in Hangzhou called City Life that basically specializes in imported stuff. Well today I found one of their branch offices in a shopping complex in Xiaoshan, and I'm psyched. Not only do they have Starbucks Frappicinos for an amazing less than 5 kuai each, they also have Cherry Coke, German chocolate, Soju (!) and the piece de resistance, Dead Guy Ale. Pretty much the last place I ever expected to find a beer like that, it's not cheap at 25 kuai a bottle. For anyone keeping track at home, that's $4 each, which makes it quite a luxury item over here.

But seriously, the Frappicinos are really cheap. You can't even buy them in the States for that. They'll probably be shared so I have an excuse to go back.

Ohhhhh, Dead Guy Ale. How you taunt me from the fridge.

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