Are you hungry?

I'm going to keep posting pictures of food I eat whether or not you like it. Perhaps a bit boring, but first is a Chinese staple. Nui rou mien, or "Beef and noodles", are basically just that. Noodles, meat, with some bok choi and an egg thrown in. Usually delicious, always cheap, and ubiquitous throughout the area. There was a restaurant on my block that made a dynamite nui rou mien. Of course a week after I find them, they go out of business. Also note the coke, they always give you a straw. Be it for coke, juice, or coffee. Yes for coffee. They're pretty damn weird over here.

We had a BBQ the other night, and unfortunately we also had torrential rain. Which was okay for where we were under a terrace, but it kind of sucked going home. And of course we only had one umbrella. And of course I walked. And of course I completely ruined my shoes. So the next day, I had to run to the market to get a new pair. Really I don't care that much, because I'm out $15. But outside I found a sushi stand run by this gorgeous girl who honestly looked Japanese - although I would never tell a Chinese person that. So in regards to this "sushi". It's kind of a big deal over here. You've probably never heard of it.
Anyway this morning my roommate left to go back to England, which is a bit of a shame. I had a great time living with him, even though he was a total slob. I'm looking forward to having the place to myself. At least until next week, until my friends show up and ruin my no-pants fun.
His going away party was quite a blast, as well. A big dinner on the roof of an amazing seafood restaurant, heading out to a bar, KTV, and ending the night with a raucous run to McDonalds. The McDonalds run was particularly memorable, because well... I'll just let the picture speak for itself.
I suppose you're not a man unless you drop trou in the middle of McDonalds at 3am. The other featured player with the look of disgust is my roommate who just left. He was not completely without hijinx himself, because just moments prior he snorted some coke. For real.
Ha! See what I did there?
Ohhh, Goodbye David!!