Monday, January 28, 2013

Hey from Taipei!

It is impossible for me to go to Asia without my luggage being lost. I was told my bag is in LA, which is interesting because I never went there.

So I found my ride, a small Taiwanese girl named Joy. It turns out Joy is my boss, which in hindsight I probably would have acted a touch more professional if I had known. Nothing too bad, but on the way back we were talking about food. She said her favorite was lettuce, which I thought was an odd answer. Not one minute later she commented that she should eat more carrots because its so dark. So I teased her that her new nickname is "Xiaotuzi" (little rabbit). She didn't seem to really care for this, which obviously is the point of a tease. But if she's signing my paycheck maybe I'll lay off.

She dropped me off in a hotel for the evening, and I was up bright and early the next day. We went to the school and she asked if I'd like to teach a class. 5 hours of sleep over the past 48 hours and no preparation to teach a 2 hour class. Why not?

Anyway I think I nailed it, and she said that the students enjoyed it. I met the other two teachers there, one who is from Columbus oddly enough. The other is from Chicago and leaves soon. Aaaand... that's it. Super super tiny school. We all have TAs which seem to do all of our busywork. And we have lesson plans if we choose to use them. So I'm not sure what my job is aside from talking. I'm sure I'll find out or this is gonna be an easy gig.

I've referred to China in the past as "diet Asia". Taiwan is flavor blasted Asia. The streets are the width of a human hair, shoulder to shoulder people everywhere. There's probably more shops visible from my window than in an average mall. Also outside my window is work, because my new apartment is above a Pizza Hut, which is across the street from the school.

I'm just started to get settled, and I still don't have internet at my place. Mostly today is just cleaning before I really start unpacking.

Oh internet... How I miss you.


  1. Woo!! It's nice to be so close to work, I suppose! When in China, I was amazed how much they love Pizza Hut, KFC and Papa John's! Let us know if Taiwan is the same. :)

  2. Sweet, I was hoping that I could try authentic Taiwanese pizza when I come to visit you.
