Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What. The. Hell.

So the gang came over to hang out last night, and everything was going great. Good company, fun times, gin, etc. Then at one point I was offered a Chinese liquor called baijiu. I took a shot, which when it met my stomach had a wonderful chat.

"Hey there bud. I'm just going to park myself right here next to this gin"

"Terribly sorry old chap, we are full to capacity. Perhaps security could escort you back up the esophagus?"

I tried in vain to get the terrible taste to go away, with crackers, mouthwash, anything. Regardless about 3 minutes later my stomach was not having it, and it returned to the sewer whence it came. A few moments after that, I went in my room and did not wake up until morning.

Baijiu. Never again. Under any circumstances.

For breakfast I dashed down to this coffee shop on the corner, who makes absolutely amazing chicken sandwiches. They, like many other things here, have this white sauce on them that looks like ranch dressing, and sort of kind of tastes like it. I'm not sure what it is but it's quite good, and pretty much anything poultry will include it. After that, I stopped by the corner grocery to pick up some things I missed yesterday. They're really big on these tiny, prepackaged italian bread rolls. Every store I've been to has them, which is a bit of a testament to how popular they must be. Unlike at home where stores have tons of shelf space, most of the stores here are about as big as a cubicle. They actually are pretty good, and make for a quick breakfast.

No picture today. My apartment looks like the aftermath of some terrible tragedy. In a way, it is.

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