Reader discression advised.
So I was walking around yesterday, seeing what trouble I could get into. Unfortunately I was quite some way from my apartment and REALLY had to use the restroom. I came across a public one, which filled me with an unusual feeling of excitement and dread. I mean yes I found relief, but at the same time I wasn't looking forward to a public restroom.
In China.
The country that spits on everything.
So I walked in, and ya know, Chinese restrooms are alright. I mean I'm sure there are some great and some not so great, but this one was pretty decent. I take a look at the stalls, and the only toilets that were available are the squat kind. I knew I had to cross that bridge at some point, I just didn't expect it to be in a public restroom at 11 in the evening.
This wasn't my first rodeo with squat toilets. They actually have several advantages. The first of which is that I find it's easier to do your business. There's none of that taking a magazine nonsense, it seems to be an instinctual position that makes your body go "Okay, let's do this." Also you don't touch anything - even the flusher is a pedal on the floor. I'm by no means a germaphobe, but I think that is pretty great. Now for two downsides - on western style toilets, there is a distinct seal between yourself and Splash Mountain. I know that it's pretty much impossible for ordinance to stray into the no fly zone, but there's always a worry that one maverick might intrude into enemy airspace. Also, there's a really, big, hole. Not big enough to fall into, but big enough that it makes me worry for the safety of my pocket's contents. Again, I know they're designed for this to not happen, but it COULD happen. What I'm saying is, I'm keeping my eye on you squat toilets.
That might have been a lot of TMI, ya know? Instead of a pic of something from China, I think you deserve a kitty.
Freaking hilarious weg, totally the 1st question I had in my head was this very one. now I know!