December 2, 2011

Ugh, when will this day end?

I got to work around 10:30 to rehearse for the Christmas show the kids are putting on at the end of the month. Me, being the new guy, have been volunteered for several rolls. For starters, I am Santa. I find this nonsense, because Kyle already looks quite a bit like Santa. Regardless I think if you selected any random person in the world, there's a pretty good chance they'd look more like Santa than I. Either way, after that I get to sing the 12 Days of Christmas and other assorted carols. It should be adorable and completely unlike me.

I made it a point to get lost again during a break today, and ate at a Chinese KFC. Now all that remains in Xiaoshan is the Pizza Hut to complete the terrible American food trifecta. The KFC here is unfortunately, nothing like the KFC we saw adverts for in Korea (Dan). No drumsticks with an inch of crisp on them. Instead I had a chicken sandwich with an egg on top. It was quite odd, and didn't really go well together.

I'm still at work while writing this, waiting for Yllen to get done with her class so I have someone to walk home with. (Awwww). In the meantime however, I present to you a pic of that vile, vile substance called baijiu that everyone has been clamoring about. A more accurate picture would be me vomiting while the bottle was being poured out into the toilet, but A) Nobody wants to see that, and B) I don't like you enough to drink it again.

Oh god... Baijiu. Never again. Under any circumstances.